About This Mess

My name is Kate, and I’m a mother of two and wife of one.  I started blogging while in college, needing a place to vent and really just create.  Farrago means “a confused mixture, a hodgepodge.”  This is definitely a great description of me.  Although I am a confused mixture, I am also a beautiful mess, and when I spew my thoughts, it comes out poetic and soulful.  Or sarcastic and strange, depending on my mood.  I am a hodgepodge that’s being transformed into something ordered and sanctified, but my journey is far from over.

I am a musician and songwriter who loves to be involved in worship music, I am a worship leader and know that’s what God has called me to.  I also give music lessons on the side.  I am a writer who is currently writing a book or two and who writes on like 47 blogs.  I am a professional graphic designer.  After changing my major a million times, I finally settled on studying history, anthropology, and creative writing at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  Yes I am a die-hard Husker fan.   I read A TON and co-created a book review blog and website, once upon a time.

I also have a huge heart for teen girls that feel that deep longing, a yearning, to create.  I’m looking for a way to serve them as well, and sometimes contribute to Delight (delightandbe.com), which is a fantastic organization!

I’ve come into the belief that God has created me to create for Him.  He has called me to do these things by giving me a desire and a passion, and I cling to that wholeheartedly.  I am His, and He is mine, and acknowledging this has brought me here to write and share.

Everything on this website falls into three categories:  life (how God is moving, faith, and life happenings), writing (musings, poetry, nonchalance), and health (diets, my experiences, different conditions, whatever comes into my life).

If you want to contact me, email k8dommel (at) gmail (dot) com.

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